Intentional Knitting

I’ve been thinking about this a lot, especially coming into the New Year - the idea of intentional knitting. We knit for so many reasons - to pass the time, to occupy idle hands, to create gifts for loved ones, to make special things for ourselves, but I’ve really been focused on the idea of the thought process that occurs during the act of knitting.

Have you ever knit something for someone for a special occasion like a wedding or a birth? Have you ever knit something for someone who has suffered a loss? What did you think about while you worked on it? Were you pouring your love and heartfelt thoughts for that family or those people into your stitches and the work?

Throughout my life, I have used knitting in different ways. I once knit something for a friend who’s sister had passed away. In thinking about her loss, I imagined what that loss might feel like to me, if it had happened to my own sister. It allowed me to put the energy of my grief into something positive.

My most well known piece, the Butterfly/Papillon Shawl was created during a time of immense stress & unhappiness in my life. I used the making of that shawl and the pattern writing to try to occupy my mind and keep me from focusing on the intangible things in my life that felt out of control. It is incredible that such great beauty came from so much sadness and pain. I know that that particular piece has brought frustration to some, but upon completion seems to have brought such joy and pride to many. This is an amazing turn of energy. A turn to love and positivity.

Throughout this year, I will be publishing several new designs that aim at focusing this thought on intentional knitting. One design that I’m working on is very symbolic. I have used the pattern to touch on the history and the meaning of the symbols to give you a path for knitting it intentionally. I am including the idea that if you KNIT the piece with some of these thoughts and ideas in mind, you will be creating something beautiful with powerful energy in it. Whether or not this seems real to you, what could be better in this world than to have a large portion of your time and energy directed to beautiful thoughts? I firmly believe (relating to the previous paragraph) that something you do TODAY can become something amazing down the road.

Something simple and pure, maybe mundane and seemingly average; just might grow into a piece of intense meaning. This can manifest in many ways. You never know the power of what you are creating. Even if it is only powerful to you or to someone you love.


Pivot: Allowing Ideas to Rise to the Top